Types of Dental Emergencies You Should Never Ignore


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Melinda Danner

Types of Dental Emergencies You Should Never Ignore

Posted by Melinda Danner Mar 01, 2023

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A dental emergency is any dental problem that arises suddenly and needs immediate attention. Dental emergencies can be quite painful and uncomfortable, and if not treated immediately, they can wreak havoc on your oral health. Here are the most common types of dental emergencies:

Cracked Teeth

When a tooth is cracked, the nerve and pulp tissue may become exposed. You need to contact your dentist immediately if your tooth becomes sensitive, painful, or discolored after a fall or injury. A dental crown may be used to restore the tooth to its full function and comfort. It is best to treat a cracked tooth with a crown right away to prevent infection in the root canals.

Broken or Fractured Tooth

A broken tooth can result from an accident, like falling and hitting your mouth or biting on hard food or an object. The tooth can be chipped, cracked, or broken off entirely. Any part of the tooth that is broken or damaged should be brought to the attention of your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will be able to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action for repairing the tooth. If the break is minor, it may be possible to repair it with a filling or bonding treatment instead of a crown. However, if the break is significant or if the nerve is affected, you may require a root canal followed by a crown.

Knocked Out Tooth/Toothache

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency, even if it’s a baby tooth. It’s critical to seek treatment immediately. If you’re an adult, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to your cheek to minimize swelling. For young children, use a clean cloth or gauze to apply pressure to the bleeding site. Then gently clean the tooth and try to place it back in the socket without touching the root. If that’s not possible, place the tooth in a container with milk or salt water and then call your dentist right away.

If you have a toothache that’s persistent and very painful, it could also be a sign of an abscess or infection. In these cases, contact your dentist immediately. It’s best to avoid taking pain medications yourself and seek professional care first.

Infected Gums

A gum infection can happen for a number of reasons, which is why it’s important that you make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms that may indicate an abscess. If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of the body, putting your overall health at risk. The main cause of gum infection is bacteria buildup in your mouth due to poor oral hygiene habits. 

To learn more, schedule an appointment today at J. Russell Danner, DDS in Oklahoma City, by calling 405-749-1676.

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